Find the Audacity

There’s been a recurring theme in almost all of the  conversation in my life over the past few weeks. One where I keep feeling like that one thing I really want to do, I’m being reminded in multiple ways that I am capable of doing it, & doing it well.

While my saying this may lead you to ask.. “what fool, what you want to do?!?” The thing is it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what I want to do because that’s not the point of this blog post.

The point is I need you to find the audacity as the kids would say. I need you to believe confidently in your abilities and execute on the dreams you have for yourself & promises you have made to yourself.  There’s an interview where Iman Shumpert was once talking about something that Kobe said  with reference to putting all your eggs in one basket “what if you can make more eggs?” While I can’t validate the response it’s a fair question we are all so afraid to wholly walk in our path because we’ve be taught to always diversify our portfolios and never put all our eggs in one basket.

The problem is if we want it so much why wouldn’t we put all our eggs in one basket? Not for not trying if we fail, we can go get more eggs & start over. If you’re someone who doesn’t have children or dependents and can afford to go for broke, why are we allowing ourselves to stop. If anything these past two years have shown it’s a creators world and if we fight hard enough, if we dedicate our time to our passions.. there’s a chance, there’s always a chance.

My best friend recently died and one conversation we would have over and over is about me going after it. She would always respond to the tune of  “walk with your fears. You’re passionate about what you do & if they can, why can’t you.” Our fears of failure will continue to hinder us, will continue to cripple us, but it can’t continue to rule us.

The one thing I’ve learnt since I’ve started talking stranger portraits is that the no’s don’t actually feel that bad, you just move on to the next one & because eventually someone will stop, say yes and allow you to share that moment with them.

Please always find the audacity in whatever you do & do it wholeheartedly you are worthy of it & you owe it to yourself.

Until next time, peace.


If I loved you once, I’ll love you forever.


15 Frames with the Canon Sure Shot (Autoboy) Tele